Saturday, November 19, 2011

The Importance of Skepticism

Nota Bene: This piece is meant in no way to reflect badly on religion or those who are religious themselves.  It is simply meant to reflect my musings on the concept of skepticism, in this case applied to my personal journey in regards to religion.

Skepticism is defined as "an attitude of doubt or a disposition to incredulity either in general or toward a particular object."  But what is skepticism to the common person? How does this way of thinking affect us in our daily lives, and how can we apply it to ourselves in a constructive way?

To be skeptical is to be human, that is, to be human is to doubt things.  Topics that garner skepticism vary from science to religion.  Many think of skepticism as an almost negative state of mind- and those seen as skeptics of established norms are often looked at as outsiders (even heretics, historically).  

But what does the journey to skepticism entail? Well, most of the times it begins with a simple question: Is my belief true? The first seeds of doubt usually plant themselves as questions of legitimacy.  For me, this became a key question in my understanding of religion.  For years I had simply accepted the legitimacy of my deep set religious beliefs, as they were around me constantly- in school, at home, and in literature. But as I began to analyze these views for myself, the whispering voice of skepticism hummed in the back of my mind.  I was forced to face the reality that I may not have been truly as convinced as I believed.  Initially, this was somewhat frightening.  Tearing away one's deep set belief system is never easy, and the gradual departure from my religious views took time.  Before long, my skepticism was full fledged, and I found myself unable to continue with the belief.

As a person of science, I find that skepticism is essential to the scientific mindset.  Whenever something is presented as fact, I find myself usually with a few nagging questions.  This is good for anyone however-  to doubt is to engage in the process of seeking the truth.  If something is legitimately and unarguably true, you shouldn't doubt it.  Conversely, this does not necessarily mean that if  you doubt something it is wrong- it just means that you are engaging in the process of proving it to yourself.  Along the course of the way, you may even find that a deep set belief is no longer supported enough to be believed in any longer.

Does this mean that everything should constantly be questioned? Well, it is  important to note that some things should almost be allowed to remain mysterious.  Take love, for example.  If you love somebody, and you are sure they love you back, it is unhealthy to remain doubtful throughout the relationship.  If you wake every morning finding yourself needing more and more proof that she loves you, you will soon cause a deep rift in the romance.  Unless there is real reason to believe the person's love is waning, accept it whole-heartedly.  

So, what is the point of all this? Well, ultimately, as I have said above, the goal is the attainment of truth. One should constantly be seeking truth and reality, in order to clearly see the and live in a real world.  It may be difficult at first, but the finality will be even more rewarding.

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